The word “Basmati’ means “Queen of Fragrances’. It is said that Basmati Rice was only instigate and dentified in Asia for many years. This type of rice has been grown in the foothills of the Himalayas for numerous of years. Some sources indicate that the primogenital grain samples found from Mohanjodaro in Pakistan.Basmati variety was 1 st produced in 1933at agriculture research center in central Punjab. In1996 Basmati variety was further improved, having long & aromatic grains which can only obtained sown in the kallar area of Punjab.
This exceptionally fragrant Rice is a gift to entire world from Pakistan. Basmati rice is full from balance nutrients and high energy caloric food. About 72-75% carbohydrate present in the form of rice starch and 7% in the form of atrazine or glutelin. It also contains about 80% protein and certain minerals like phosphorus and enzymes.